News ID: 2591
Publish Date : 13 May 2018 - 09:15

Hard Days Iran Automotive Industry

After Donald Trump’s exit from JCPOA, vehicle importers and market activists believe that if this situation continues, it leads to the exit of foreign investors and importers sooner than expected.
Khodrocar – From the first day of its presidency, Donald Trump was against Iran nuclear deal. During last weeks that he announced his opposition about JCPOA, not only it followed the global reactions but also it made many market activists and economists worried.

It is said that the sanctions does not have any effect on generative industries but if the main sanctions returns, nobody can deny their effects on the relationship between Iran and USA and also the related industries.

What are the consequences of Donald Trump’s decision on automotive industry of Iran? An industry that is growing these days and sees a bright future.

Mehdi Dadfar, Secretary of Iran National Vehicle Importers Association, tells Khodrocar regarding the issue: "Market, legislations, executive processes and corruption, defines the amount of foreign investments which comes to Iran.”

He continues: "However, during these years, we have neither been able nor willing to cooperate with the United States, but the other countries do. In the past periods of economic sanctions against Iran, the priority of Iran's automotive industry was in the ninth and tenth rank. But in the new sanctions, this industry is on of United States’ priority with a 3 month deadline. The outflow of investors is more likely than the arrival of a new investor in the country.”

Dadfar insists regarding the reduction of foreign carmakers with Iran: "Every problem has a solution. However the government seems like a true enemy for our automotive industry and we can see that the recent decisions were in order to paralyze the vehicle importers.”

Dadfar believes that the foreign investors will soon exit Iran’s market.

Khodrocar – Iran’s automotive industry is going through hard days in its history. The days that it is experiencing government’s wrong decision, exchange rate fluctuation and global decisions against it.

Now, all eyes are on government and everybody is waiting for new decision.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar MirKarimi
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh